Saturday, February 9, 2019

Blog 3

1. Module 5 Blog 3 on Community & Collaboration
2. Since the last blog, I have finish the Course Outline objectives section. I have start to over view the Detailed Course Navigation outline. I am putting it together and once I get done with that I will look over it all and review it.
3. I have really gained interest in the project as a whole. It has been really interesting creating a class and having to set it up for a semester. I have notice so many pros and cons about it.
4. How many test should be scheduled for a 12 week course? should it be just a test a week and a project? or a test one week and project the other week? any suggestions on this? 


  1. Andrew,
    I would suggest a quiz once a week instead of a test. A quiz could be taken more than once and by allowing the student to take the quiz more than once, I personally learn from the repetitiveness of the quiz taking. I would assign a project that would reflect the knowledge of the quiz and that may not be but one or two projects during the semester. I think doing a real world project to show that you have gained the knowledge is better than a comprehensive test.

    Hope this helped. Good luck!

  2. Andrew,

    I agree with Stephanie's suggestion. It depends on if you are basing the tests off weekly readings or what you are wanting to assess. If you are basing it off the readings, I like the idea of weekly self-quizzes. Students will feel less pressured since they have multiple attempts, and it will help prepare them for the real test. I would do a test after they have read around 3 chapters of text. My course is going to have a test every 4 four chapters. Projects could be hands-on in class or worked on at home. It also really depends on what knowledge you want your students to demonstrate. If your course takes place strictly on campus, you could implement one group project and one individually completed project. I hope this helped!

  3. I have designed a 12 week course as well. I chose to do the self tests after each module in the unit (4 Units of 3 Modules each). I will also grade a journal, a storyboard, a blog, and a review. All previously covered content will be iterated in each class followed by thoughtful discussions for bonus points.I have incorporated student surveys for my benefit. There will also be an orientation quiz and a comprehensive final exam. I am wanting to incorporate a video game leader-board challenge as well. In reading everyone's blog it seems like we agree that this is fun, interesting and educational. Now I'm thinking I should add a comprehensive quiz at the end of each unit as well. Rubrics are my present hurdle.
