Saturday, February 2, 2019

Blog 2 - Assessment

1. Module 4 (Assessment)
2. Adding to the Course Outline. Developing the number of weeks for the class and trying to conduct which week what should be learned and turn in during those weeks.
3. Creating a fun activity for the rules of baseball before getting start on the extras of coaching. 
4. I will be adding the knowing the rules of baseball to my course outline. How many weeks should I teach it? should it be an over view or actually teaching them? Should it be a end of the week test for them or just a fun activity for them?

1 comment:

  1. Coach Gilewicz,

    I would start off with a overview of the game, and then lead into actually how to play the game. I suppose your target learners are those who have never played baseball? Work through infield and outfield play / drills. I would probably have a final exam that splits the class into 2 teams with their own voted on coaches, and you would just grade how they play the game making sure that all rules were followed, etc. Good luck on your course!

